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Today, we each have the opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning. For millennia, people have greeted the New Year with optimism even in the depths of war, an economic depression, serious illness, and in good or bad times for the nation. Through it all even in the worst of times, some people thrive and rise to greater heights.

 What makes the difference? Why do some people do better no matter the conditions around them?

 Sometimes it is luck being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes it is having a boss who will listen, help you to see the big picture, and encourage you to step forward. There are many reasons why some thrive even in dire conditions.


 Is knowledge about cyber security, AI, robots, cloud computing, and consolidation of computer centers going to be useful? Maybe yes if the managers above you care about these items, likely not. Realistically, you will need other skills and many varied contacts especially in difficult periods in your organization.

 In government, three things differentiate talent on the move helping some people succeed despite the conditions around them. 

 First, they have ideas that will help the newly appointed to express their ideology, the reason they entered government. 

Second, they have contacts on the Hill, in GAO, in their own agency, or in other agencies, and in industry to serve as sounding boards and to help win acceptance of new ideas.

Third, they are able to get things done in the complex federal government.

 Today, ask yourself if you are willing to devote the substantial effort needed to climb further up on the career ladder, or, are you content with where you are today? If you are not satisfied, it is time to get to work on these higher-level skills and contacts needed to get ahead in the major leagues of government.

 Many have written on these subjects and there is no single roadmap to develop oneself for higher-level success. It takes a lot of work and the work never ends. In effect, you will be developing your brand just as members of the elite class and companies do while working at it day after day until there are no more days. 

This web site and my recent book, “Spring Training for the Major Leagues of Government,” published by Koehler Books, February 15, 2016, contain insights and ideas for climbers and branders.

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